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From Immersive Weapons

The Skygazer is a neutral entity which can be found inside Space Observatory structures inside the Starlight Plains of Tiltros. The Skygazer will trade with the player, using either Emeralds or Celestial Fragments as currency.

The Skygazer entity.
Health 20
Behavior Neutral
Spawn Space Observatory

Trading[edit | edit source]

Emerald Trading[edit | edit source]

As with other Villager-like entities, the Skygazer will trade with Emeralds for some items. A list of all trades can be found in the tables below.

Common Tier
Item Cost Count Max Uses
Bandage 1 1 8
First Aid Kit 3 1 8
Painkillers 2 1 8
Cobalt Musket Ball 1 8 12
Diamond Musket Ball 2 8 12
Cobalt Arrow 1 8 12
Diamond Arrow 2 8 12
Azul Locator 4 1 2
Spyglass 3 1 2

The first tier of trades is the cheapest. Three rows including a random item in this tier are available to the player.

Rare Tier
Item Cost Count Max Uses
Starstorm Crystal 12 1 4
Astral Crystal 12 1 4
Flintlock Pistol 6 1 3
Blunderbuss 7 1 3
Musket 8 1 3
Meteor Staff 28 1 1
Cursed Sight Staff 28 1 1
Night Vision Goggles 32 1 1

The second tier of trades varies in prices, with the staffs becoming fairly expensive. A single row with a random item in this tier is available to the player.

Epic Tier
Item Cost Count Max Uses
Tesla Sword 30 1 1
Molten Sword 30 1 1
Ventus Sword 30 1 1
Astral Sword 30 1 1
Starstorm Sword 30 1 1

The third and final tier of trades are all the same price, and only includes swords from each endgame material tier. A single row containing a random item in this tier is available to the player.

Celestial Fragment Trading[edit | edit source]

The Skygazer has a unique ability: if the player has an enchanted item in their inventory, enchantments may be upgraded to their next level, regardless of the max level cap on a given enchantment. For example, a sword with Sharpness V may be upgraded to Sharpness VI. Enchantments that appear with a golden tooltip cannot be upgraded and are considered to be at their maximum level (as of IW v1.25.1). The map of enchants and their max levels can be specified in the mod configuration. An example in the default configuration is Mending at level one, which regardless of the level will always have the same effect. Another example is Protection at V, because after this point the game no longer utilizes extra enchantment protection factor points.

The more enchantments, and the higher the levels, the more expensive this ability becomes. The trade can only be done using Celestial Fragments, requiring the player to continually defeat Celestial Towers to collect the fragments. The cost increase is exponential, and caps at 32 fragments per trade. The exact equation is as follows: min(32, (totalEnchantmentLevels / 2) ^ 1.3), where totalEnchantmentLevels is the cumulative amount of all enchantment levels on the item.

Applying Enchantment Books[edit | edit source]

If the player has an Enchantment Book in their inventory, the Skygazer will offer to apply it to the first enchantable item in their inventory. This is similar to using Anvils, however the Skygazer will not charge for experience. Additionally, if the book is a higher level than possible in the base game, for example, Sharpness VI, the Skygazer will not restrict the application to the highest possible base level unlike the Anvil.

This trade does not require Emeralds or Celestial Fragments, only an Enchantment Book and an item which can be enchanted.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

The Skygazer wanders around aimlessly. Naturally, they are restricted by the Space Observatory structure they spawn in. If the Skygazer is allowed to leave the structure, it will not attempt to return and may continue to wander until it is killed. Generally, it behaves similarly to the Wandering Trader.

Every 24000 ticks (one in-game day cycle), the trades will reset. If the player has the Immersive Weapons Compatibility Bridge installed, along with WTHIT, the trade reset timer is visible on the HUD.

When attacked, the Skygazer will inflict Blindness on its attacker for 250 ticks (12.5 seconds). It will also summon 2-3 Starmite entities to attack. These Starmites have boosted attack damage, dealing four points of damage per hit. The Skygazer will attempt to flee immediately after being struck.

If the Skygazer is killed, it will not drop anything. No new Skygazers will spawn in its observatory.